The 5-Petals of Practice
We have found these 5 Practices to have the greatest impact on women’s well-being. They interweave to address a wide range of issues women face today - so we can stop seeking and start FEELING what we innately ARE: whole + connected.
Wisdom Women Yoga ™ - Yoga taught as relevant for a woman’s life today. Accurate, approachable instruction on the pelvic floor, core + sexuality meets feminine wisdom to invite you into a fully embodied practice. Wisdom Women Yoga™ classes take you deep into the beauty of being a woman on the mat and in the world.
Holistic Sex Education - Education, tools and resources encompassing the areas of Sexual Health + Knowledge, Reproduction, Sensuality, Intimacy + Relationships, Sexual Identity + Orientation. Holistic Sex Ed looks at the complex inner world of the self and the context in which we live. It considers how we are affected by our external conditioning and in turn influence the larger systems of which we are inextricably a part. Gaining self-knowledge while understanding the relationship and affects between ourselves and the wider landscapes of family, culture, media, education, religion, etc. is the heart of a holistic approach to sexual wellbeing.
Pelvic Floor Yoga + Education - Pelvic Floor Education can illuminate keystones to a woman’s wellbeing and every woman can benefit from knowing her most sacred space more deeply. The Pelvic Floor is a deep and sacred place in the body whose physiology impacts and is affected by our sexuality, abdominals, hips, thighs, gluteals, postural muscles and the breath. Nothing exists in isolation. Imbalances in these areas can show up deep in the muscles and organs of the pelvis and in the energy body. They may be experienced. Physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually. Yoga for the Pelvis focuses on posture, breath, body awareness, and poses that lengthen, strengthen and stabilize and harmonize the pelvic floor.
Embodiment Coaching - Embodiment Coaching: Body-scan meditations, Breath, Restorative Postures, Mindful Movements, Essential Oils and Sound are used to create awareness and presence. Through the nervous system, the physical, mental and energy bodies come into harmony.
Feminine Wisdom + Community - Community-centered events + workshops and individual practices that reconnect women with their true nature as dynamic, cyclical, intuitive beings with immense capacity for pleasure, joy and creativity. Here the safety and power of sisterhood grounds and expands us as we share + witness each other in our fullest, unique expressions. This is where we deeply embrace our inner knowing, biological rhythms, moon and seasonal cycles, and planet energy. Together we honor the dynamic/feminine and learn how to live ‘feminine first’ in our linear/masculine-oriented society